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Time for sharing. Recipes for a great Easter.

Easter is a great opportunity to take the time to unwind with friends and family. If the weather co-operates,

sharing a bite together outside is always a pleasure. If you’re at home or away for the holidays, we’ve got two delicious recipes, one savory, one sweet. Both are designed for sharing and are sure to please.

Al Brown’s Kahawai Ceviche with Spiced Creamed Corn

“I love to make this for informal gatherings. Ideally, we use fish we’ve caught fresh! Either way, it’s delicious with a crisp glass of wine as part of a relaxed lunch at home or at the bach”.

Jackie Ashley

Serves 10-12 Platter styles


5 corncobs
Sea salt
1-2 tablespoons pickled jalapeño, or store-bought jalapeño.
1 teaspoon roasted, ground cumin seeds.
1 tablespoon lime juice


500 g (11b 2 oz) fresh kahawai,
cut into 1 cm (1/2 in) dice
⅓ cup red onion, finely diced
8 jarred whole sweet
piquanté peppers (such as Peppadew), finely diced
1 cup finely diced red capsicum
finely grated zest of 2 limes
2-3 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 cup (125 ml/4 fl oz) Al Brown & Co Lemon and Fennel Infused Olive Oil or Extra virgin Oil
1/2 cup (15g/1/2oz) coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Pinch sugar
4-5 plugs hots sauce
Flaky sea salt and freshly
Ground black pepper


Home-made or store-bought fried flour tortilla chips, lime wedges.

To make the creamed corn, place the corncobs in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and add a liberal pinch or two of salt. Place over high heat, bring up to the boil, then lower the heat. Simmer on a rolling boil for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat, drain and let cool before cutting the corn kernels off the cobs. You need approximately 2 cups(400 g/14 oz) of corn kernels.

Place the corn in the food processor, along with as much pickled jalapeño as you desire, the cumin and the lime juice. Process for a minute. Tip into a small bowl, taste and season accordingly. Refrigerate until required.

For the ceviche, combine the fish, onion, peppers, capsicum, lime zest and juice, olive oil, coriander and sugar in a small bowl. Mix thoroughly, then add the amount of hot sauce that suits your style. Season with salt and pepper. Chill in the fridge to marinate for 30
minutes or so.

When ready to serve, if you're making your own fried tortilla chips, make a batch of flour tortillas, then cut them into your desired shape and deep-fry or shallow-fry them for a minute or so until golden.

Plate up the ceviche, and have the spiced creamed corn and tortillas on the side. It's a help-yourself situation, in this order: tortilla chip, creamed corn, ceviche, squeeze of lime and a coriander leaf or two.

The Confectionist’s Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies

“ A delicious, sweet treat that makes a change from chocolate eggs! This recipe from The Confectionist is great anytime of the year, but perfect to bring out with a pot of tea or coffee for all”.

Jackie Ashley


1.5 cups of all-purpose flour 
2 cups of rolled oats 
1 teaspoon of baking soda 
1/2 teaspoon of salt 
1.5 cups packed brown sugar 
1/2 cup softened butter 
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
2 large eggs 
1 cup chocolate chips 
1 cup of Confectionist’s Dark Chocolate & Almond Toffee Shards 


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c. 
  2. Combine oats, flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside. 
  3. Combine softened butter and brown sugar in a large bowl and whisk until lighter in colour & smooth. 
  4. Add the dry flour mixture into the wet mixture and mix with a wooden spoon until just combined. 
  5. Add chocolate chips and Toffee Crumbs, stir until well dispersed. 
  6. On a lined baking tray, roll cookie dough balls to desired size and place on tray. Flatten slightly and top with another toffee shard (optional). 
  7. Bake for 10-13 minutes - do not over bake! The cookies may not look 'done' but they will be perfect when cooled. Cool on wire racks & enjoy!  


When sharing time together, set the tone with your choice of scent. A bit of fragrance can instantly relax the mood. Be it a spritz of Power House, or the ficker of Waxed Perfume, or the bounteous Waxed Perfume XL. And for cleanup, turn to the reliable duo of Insink and Benchpress. Perfect all-rounders, biodegradable and reliable, Benchpress provides the spray, Insink brings the bubbles.

Here’s to a relaxing Easter!


Ashley & Co.